Case of Silvia: A schema-focused approach


Case of Silvia: A schema-focused approach


Cecero, J. J., & Young, J. E. (2001, 2001-06). Case of Silvia: A schema-focused approach. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 11(2), 217-229


This case study systematically addresses the components and sequence of a Schema-Focused cognitive therapy approach to the assessment, formulation, and treatment of a 27-yr-old woman's (Silvia) anxious and depressive symptoms and enduring life problems. Following a description of the major tools and procedures involved in collecting the evidence that is required to generate a Schema-Focused case conceptualization, a comprehensive formulation of this case is presented as a guide for treatment intervention. A Schema-Focused Therapy approach is then applied to this case, highlighting the four essential strategies—cognitive, experiential, behavioral, and the therapy relationship—used to change Silvia's maladaptive schemas. Adjunctive interventions and potential problems with this therapy approach are also proposed for consideration.



Study design

Case study