Working with older people and complex posttraumatic stress disorder: a review of the field and case study using schema therapy


Working with older people and complex posttraumatic stress disorder: a review of the field and case study using schema therapy


Parkes, M. (2021). Working with older people and complex posttraumatic stress disorder: a review of the field and case study using schema therapy. Clinical Psychologist, 25(2), 187-197.


To demonstrate the utility of the diagnosis complex posttraumatic stress disorder to inform psychological practice with older people (>65); to examine the applicability of schema therapy in this context.

Complex posttraumatic stress disorder is described and the literature on psychological interventions is reviewed. In the absence of literature specific to older people, evidence that psychological interventions are effective with older people presenting with posttraumatic stress disorder is presented. The literature on schema therapy as an intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder, and as an intervention with older people, is reviewed. A case study grounds the objectives in day-to-day practice.

Older people present to services with complex posttraumatic stress disorder. The literature on psychological interventions for complex posttraumatic stress disorder consists of guidelines arrived at using consensus methods. There is no literature specific to older people. Schema therapy is consistent with the guidelines and there is evidence of its effectiveness with posttraumatic stress disorder. The literature suggests schema therapy is useful when working with older people, although there is no evidence that includes control conditions.

The objectives were met to the degree this was possible given the current literature and the limitations of the case study.


Case study; complex posttraumatic stress disorder; older adults schema therapy



Study focus

Schema therapy effectiveness

Study design

Case study